The Simple Stencil
Pumpkin Challenge Round 2
The foster kid & I took our second stab at a pumpkin, trying out a stencil we found online. The Walking Dead zombie stencil from did admirably for us.
Although it's not visible in the picture, I picked up a pumpkin with a great stem, lots of trailing strands, etc. To get around damaging it, we went in from the back. using some dowl rods to hold the panel in place.
Next week: The Shaded Stencil
Breaking News
Update on Week 1: Squirrels ate part of our first Jack's face, so now he's got a little more character. Sort of like an old time movie actor snarling out of the side of his mouth. I like it.
Eehh... You kids get outta here, see? We don't DO trick or treat in this neighborhood, see?