The Classic Jack
Our household is embarking on a bold journey into seasonal decoration by declaring this the year of the Pumpkin Challenge. Every week from now until Halloween, we will decorate, carve, or otherwise fancy-up a perfectly good pumpkin. The first week: the classic free-hand Jack O'Lantern.
For this project I was closely assisted by our foster child. (There are a number of regulations involved in foster care. One of them is no social media images or names for foster kids. This rule will be respected here.)
So anyway, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and I did a tag team on the layout and actual carving. His main concern was that it "look evil". Mission accomplished, in an age-appropriate sort of way.
The goal is to kick up the complexity every week and see where we end up by the big holiday.
Next week, the Simple Stencil.