Week 5 of #Debut19Chat

by Dan Stout





Day 26

Currently reading: QUEENPIN, by Megan Abbott. A brilliant, calculating gangster. Her protege. And the male fatale who carries destruction behind sorrowful eyes. I could quote my favorite lines, but I'd just end up re-typing the whole thing.


Day 28

Currently working on the sequel to TITANSHADE. 

My *completely unrelated* side project is screaming obscenities at my computer monitor while rocking back and forth in my chair, fingers clawing at my tear-stained cheeks.

Day 30 

Other places to find me!

Web:  DanStout.com 
Mailing List:  bit.ly/2PRYL5k 
BookBub: bookbub.com/profile/dan-stout
Curious Fictions: curiousfictions.com/authors/34-dan-stout
Twitter: @DanStout
Patreon: patreon.com/DanStout 
IG:  instagram.com/danstoutwriter/ 
Goodreads: goodreads.com/author/show/7938095.Dan_Stout
Amazon: amazon.com/author/danstout 
Butt: InChair

If you're local to Columbus, OH, you can also find me teaching the Story Structure & Business of Fiction class at the Columbus Idea Foundry!

Day 31:
Final Day!
Thanks to everyone in #DebutAuthors19 - so great to learn more about the amazing debut authors of 2019! TITANSHADE's cover art hasn't been released yet, but it is available for pre-order on Amazon.
And it's also on Goodreads.

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.