Fungus Among Us

by Dan Stout

Just a quick mention of Fungi Week over at Weird Fiction Review. ​You know, like Shark Week, just slower and more insidious. They're promoting the publication of Fungi, a new anthology of weird fiction incorporating fungus in some fashion. WFR is also highlighting some great fungus photography, short stories not found in the anthology, and other variations on the theme.  (In a measure of self-restraint that far exceeds my own capabilities, they don't have a single headline declaring that they're putting the Fun back in Fungus.)  Anyway, it's worth checking out.

And now, a fairy ring growth in a pleasant suburban yard:​

By User:Mrs skippy (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By User:Mrs skippy (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.